Tenant Education at your own Pace
The Rent Well online eCourse is a free educational resource for low-income Oregon residents looking to learn how to lessen housing barriers and become successful renters. This course is designed to teach folks how to navigate and maintain housing.
New students are admitted into the eCourse every Thursday and paired with an online support specialist to help them along the way. The course is self-paced for up to 90 days from your enrollment acceptance date and will take roughly 15-20 hours in total to complete. Students must complete the course and create their housing portfolio to graduate.
E-Course Enrollment

The assessment form, located at the bottom of this page, will ask a series of questions about yourself, your rental history, and what potential barriers you have when it comes to renting. We ask these questions so we can have a better idea of how to help you through the course, and if this course is a good fit for you.
Once you submit the information, it gets sent to our team! We review the information every Thursday and if approved we will pair you with one of our talented Support Specialists. Your Support Specialist will be there to keep you motivated, help you create a showstopping housing portfolio, and answer any questions that you have.
We will be thoughtfully and intentionally adding the assessment completed-and-waiting students into the eCourse throughout the year. That means that you might complete the assessment today, but it might be a couple of weeks until you get full access to officially begin the eCourse.
Once you’re approved, your Support Specialist will reach out to you via email to introduce themself and let you know the next steps.
What can do I while I wait to be Enrolled?
Great question! This would be a great time to get your ID, income, and additional documents ready to upload into your soon-to-be-super-fancy digital housing portfolio. You can even start thinking about who could write you a reference letter. You will have 90 days from the day you get access to the course to complete it and finish your housing portfolio, so why not get a head start?
What will go in your housing portfolio is:
- A sample rental application
- A copy of your ID or other identification documents
- A copy of income documents (current paystubs, SNAP letters, benefits letters, etc.)
- A personal rental cover letter to explain your current housing situation and let the landlord what a wonderful tenant you will be
- Reference letters from 3 individuals that can talk about your growth and why you would make such a great tenant
- Any other documents that you would want a landlord to have (Reasonable Accommodation request letters, Rental Assistance award letters, etc.)
- and lastly, your Rent Well Certificate.

Sign Me Up
Anyone can complete the assessment and their information will be reviewed by the Team. We admit new groups of students into the eCourse every Thursday. If you are admitted, you will have 90 days to complete the eCourse and assemble your housing portfolio to graduate.
We look forward to working with you!
"Thank you so much! The online course was so easy!
A lot of information and very useful! I appreciate you guys!" -eCourse Grad
See what other graduates are saying about Rent Well HERE