
租金井 認證講師 軌道是提供給工作人員在 合作機構 谁愿意在他們的機構向客戶或公眾教授 Rent Well 課程。如果您有興趣向那些想更多地了解他們作為租戶的權利和責任的人講授 Rent Well 課程,請在下方註冊!

Please expect to wait 1-2 business days for your registration to be reviewed for approval. This means you will not have immediate access to an account after submitting the form and do not need to submit the form more than once.

先決條件: You must be employed at an agency licensed to carry the Rent Well curriculum, known as Community Agency Partners (CAPs). Check if your agency is an active partner HERE.


認證講師課程作為反映學生課程模型的在線電子課程提供。 此類培訓費用為$400 並分為 12 個部分,如下所示。該電子課程旨在讓您在 90 天內按照自己的進度學習,需要 15-20 小時才能完成。

Course Overview

第 1 節之後:系統會要求您審核、填寫並提交您的 認證講師協議 以便將課程教授給其他人。一旦我們收到您的同意,我們將發送您的材料,其中包括教師手冊和样本住房組合。

第 12 節之後:系統將提示即將成為教師的人註冊我們的月度活動之一 後續網絡研討會. These are hosted by us on the 3rd Wednesday of every month from 2:00-5:00 PM. In the Webinar you will be able to meet others taking the course, learn about trauma-informed teaching, navigating your instructor account, submitting paperwork, and more.

僅限華盛頓州教師:  參加我們的後續網絡研討會後,您需要參加我們的 華盛頓法律網絡研討會 which is available on the third Thursday of every month from 2:30-5:00 PM (the day after the Follow-Up Webinar). In the WA Law Webinar, we will go over all the points in your instructor manual that address WA-specific laws and policies.

參加網絡研討會後: You will receive a congratulatory email along with your Rent Well認證講師教學證書!一旦您成為認證講師,您的 Rent Well 帳戶將更新為新的房產,以提交文書工作、訂單簿等。

Pacific Screening(提取背景報告): In section 5 of the curriculum, students will have their background reports pulled as an educational resource. To pull educational reports for your students or give them access to pull their own reports, we will send you a 太平洋放映賬戶持有人隱私協議 for you to review, fill, and submit. If your agency has not done so already, we will also need an agency representative to sign a subscriber agreement and send additional documents outlined in the agreement. Pulling reports as a Rent Well instructor costs $16 total per screening and will be billed to your agency at the end of the month.

Certified Instructor Track FAQ

答:認證講師課程的註冊費為 $400。 We offer an ongoing same-day group registration deal to buy 3 instructor registrations and get the 4th free.

問:如果我沒有受僱於 Rent Well 的社區代理合作夥伴,我可以成為認證講師嗎?
查看您的機構是否已經是 CAP 或在此處申請: rentwell.org/caps。

問:我什麼時候可以開始教授 Rent Well 課程?
A:完全認證後30天即可開始!您必須提前 30 天通知我們您即將上課的情況。


答:通過我們的 Square Store,學生練習冊每本售價 $16。您可以通過單擊更新後的講師帳戶主頁上的“訂購書籍”磁貼來找到該鏈接。

Q: How long is my instructor certificate valid and what is the recertification process?
A: Instructor certificates are valid for ~3 years and expire on January 30th of the third year. To keep your teaching certification, instructors must attend a law update Webinar which currently comes at no extra cost.

Q: Can my instructor certificate be transferred to another agency if my employer has changed?
A: Yes, instructor certificates may be transferred to another agency depending on a few factors. The agency you transfer to must be or become a Community Agency Partner and you must have either become certified, recertified, or taught a class within the last year. If the time frame is over one year, you need to retake the course.

If you have any other questions, please send us a message through the 聯繫頁面。

如果您對住房宣傳領域的知識發展更感興趣而不教授 Rent Well 課程;詳細了解我們的 Case Manager track.

您可以訪問課程信息、課程資料、在線講師社區論壇等等。登錄 這裡 訪問您的講師門戶。