What is Rent Well?

Rent Well is a tenant education course that teaches individuals their rights and responsibilities as renters. The course is taught in person or on Zoom at many non-profit and service agencies in Oregon and Washington. This course is also available as an online eCourse that can be completed at your own pace.

無論 you are interested in knowing your rights as a tenant, finding out how landlords might screen you, or want to boost your apartment-hunting skills, Rent Well is for you. This tenant education course is broken down into 12 部分。在本課程中,您將完成租賃流程並討論以下主題及更多內容:

House Keys
  • 法律如何影響您與房東的關係
  • 房東如何篩選潛在租戶
  • 不同類型的住房選擇
  • 確定您的住房需求與需求
  • 如何申請單位
  • 審查租賃協議
  • 如何處理 終止通知 和驅逐過程es
  • 了解房東對您的期望
  • 會心 你的房東負責什麼
  • 如何做一個好房客和好鄰居
  • 如何讓您的家保持健康和安全
  • 如何 您的 選擇會影響您的住房狀況
  • 如何與房東和鄰居溝通
  • 理解樓主的觀點
  • 設定目標和行動步驟以實現您的住房計劃


Many individuals looking to take Rent Well have been denied housing multiple times and come to this class to figure out how to get past that. Some individuals are working with case managers who enroll them into the class while others may be first-time renters who’ve never read their lease agreement before and want to be prepared.

Rent Well students not only learn tools to help them maintain stable housing in the future, they also get to see a copy of their rental background report, similar to the one a landlord would see and base rental decisions on. Students also create a personalized housing portfolio to present to potential landlords and provides them with more information about their background and strengths. Lastly, eligible graduates get to offer potential landlords the opportunity to register a Landlord Incentive Program which is paired with the Rent Well graduation certificate.


tenant education房東激勵基金是為潛在房東提供的資金保證,如果符合條件的 Rent Well 畢業生在第一年內離開他們的出租單元,並且拖欠超出保證金範圍的未付租金、損害賠償或法律費用,該計劃將支付房東支付一定數額以支付這些額外費用。金額因地點而異。在 俄勒岡州,保證金最高可達$5,000。這筆資金可能是拒絕和批准之間的區別。



  1. In-person or Zoom classes taught at Rent Well provider agencies with Rent Well instructors, or
  2. 電子課程 that you can take on your own time and pace with help from a personal Support Specialist.


person classes 了解更多關於面對面課程的信息。 了解更多 >


了解有關電子課程的更多信息。 了解更多 >